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2 Translation results for rescues in Spanish

verb | noun

rescue verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rescued, has rescued, is rescuing, rescues
rescatar, salvar

Example sentences of
rescue verb

  • The survivors were rescued by the Coast Guard.
  • They made an all-out effort to rescue a beached whale.

Detailed synonyms for rescue verb

Rescue, deliver, redeem, ransom, save, liberate, salvage, recover significan librar de confinamiento, riesgo o peligro.
  • Rescue indica el librar de un peligro inminente mediante una acción pronta o vigorosa <rescue the crew of a sinking ship>.
  • Deliver suele indicar el librar una persona de confinamiento, tentación, esclavitud o algo que la aflige <the story of how Moses delivered his people from slavery in Egypt>.
  • Redeem indica el librar de la esclavitud o del castigo mediante el dar lo que se exige o lo que es necesario como un equivalente <told how he had been redeemed by his religious faith>.
  • Ransom se aplica específicamente al acto de pagar una suma para obtener la libertad de una persona <forced to ransom the terrorists' hostages>.
  • Save puede ocupar el lugar de cualquiera de estos términos, o puede indicar adicionalmente el conservar o mantener la utilidad o la existencia <saved most of their valuable objects from the flood>.
    antonyms: lose, waste, damn
  • Liberate connota liberar a una persona, un grupo o un lugar del control <the Allies liberated most of France in 1944>.
  • Salvage sugiere rescatar algo de escombros o ruinas, bien sea físicas <divers salvaged some of the ship's cargo> o no físicas <he is trying to salvage his reputation>.
  • Recover connota salvar de la pérdida <the four stolen paintings were eventually recovered>.

rescue noun

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Reverse translation for rescues

rescatar  - to rescue, to save, to recover, to get back 
salvar  - to save, to rescue, to cover (a distance), to get around (an obstacle), to overcome (a difficulty), to cross, to jump across 
rescate  - rescue, recovery, ransom