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1 Translation result for restrain in Spanish


restrain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
restrained, has restrained, is restraining, restrains
refrenar, contener

Example sentences of
restrain verb

  • He could not restrain the dog from attacking.
  • He could restrain himself no longer.
  • Hospital orderlies needed to restrain the patient.
  • He was restrained and placed in a holding cell.
  • He could barely restrain his anger.
  • The manufacturer took measures to restrain costs.

Synonyms of
restrain verb

Detailed synonyms for restrain verb

1. Restrain, curb, inhibit significan contener o controlar a alguien o algo que está por realizar una cosa determinada.
  • Restrain connota el contener o aguantar, mediante la fuerza o la persuasión, a fin de impedir una acción extrema <restrained themselves from yelling back>.
    antonyms: impel, incite, activate, abandon lf)
  • Curb connota un abrupto o drástico refrenar, o un refrenar que tiende a moderar <learned to curb her appetite>.
  • Inhibit connota contener a alguien, frecuentemente a uno mismo, de expresión espontánea <inhibited by his fear of failure>.
2. See: Moderate

Reverse translation for restrain

refrenar  - to rein in (a horse), to restrain, to check 
contener  - to contain, to hold, to restrain, to hold back