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1 Translation result for revere in Spanish


revere verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
revered, has revered, is revering, reveres
reverenciar, venerar

Example sentences of
revere verb

  • The family reveres old traditions.
  • in some cultures people revere their ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them

Synonyms of
revere verb

Detailed synonyms for revere verb

Revere, venerate, worship, adore significan tratar con profundo respeto y honor.
  • Revere recalca la deferencia y la ternura de sentimiento <an old professor revered by generations of students>.
    antonyms: flout
  • Venerate indica el tener por sagrado o sacrosanto por motivo de carácter, asociación o edad <national heroes who are still venerated>.
  • Worship indica un homenaje, normalmente expresado en palabras o en ceremonia, a un ser divino o a una persona a quien se atribuye un carácter exaltado o un mérito sobresaliente <worships the memory of her husband>.
  • Adore, cercano a worship, indica amor y recalca la noción de un apego individual y personal <a doctor adored by her patients>.
    antonyms: blaspheme

Reverse translation for revere

reverenciar  - to revere, to venerate 
venerar  - to venerate, to revere 
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