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1 Translation result for ridiculing in Spanish


ridicule verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ridiculed, has ridiculed, is ridiculing, ridicules
burlarse de, mofarse de, ridiculizar

Example sentences of
ridicule verb

  • The other kids ridiculed him for the way he dressed.
  • They ridiculed all of her suggestions.

Synonyms of
ridicule verb

Detailed synonyms for ridicule verb

Ridicule, deride, mock, taunt, tease significan hacer objeto de risa de alguien o algo.
  • Ridicule indica un menosprecio deliberado, y a menudo malicioso <ridiculed everything she said>.
  • Deride connota una burla que es desdeñosa, y a menudo amarga <derided the idea of using fragrances for therapy>.
  • Mock indica una burla despreciativa, que a menudo se expresa con imitaciones o falsas deferencias <street kids mocking a homeless man>.
  • Taunt connota un insulto que reprocha de manera burlona, o un desafío desdeñoso <each team taunting the other>.
  • Tease puede sugerir molestar, torturar o burlarse de alguien <they teased her about her hairstyle>.

Reverse translation for ridiculing

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