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4 Translation results for rival in Spanish

noun | verb | adjective | nombre-adjetivo

rival noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
rival; competidor, -dora

Example sentences of
rival noun

  • The teams have been longtime rivals.
  • The men are romantic rivals for her affection.

rival verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rivaled, has rivaled, is rivaling, rivals
rivalizar con, competir con

Example sentences of
rival verb

  • The company manufactures paper that rivals the world's best.
  • The new museum will rival the largest in the world.

Synonyms of
rival verb

Detailed synonyms for rival verb

See: Match

rival adjective

unfavorite favorite
competidor, rival

rival nombre-adjetivo


Reverse translation for rival

competidor  - competitor, rival 
competidor  - competing, rival 
rival  - rival