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2 Translation results for rot in Spanish

noun | verb

rot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
putrefacción, descomposición, podredumbre

Example sentences of
rot noun

  • They found a lot of rot in the house's roof.
  • That's a lot of rot!

rot verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rotted, has rotten, is rotting, rots
pudrir, descomponer; pudrirse, descomponerse

Example sentences of
rot verb

  • The wood had rotted away.
  • The apples were left to rot.
  • the smell of rotting garbage
  • Eating too much candy can rot your teeth.

Detailed synonyms for rot verb

See: Decay

Reverse translation for rot

putrefacción  - putrefaction 
descomposición  - breakdown, decomposition, decay 
podredumbre  - decay, rottenness, corruption 
pudrir  - to rot, to annoy, to upset 
descomponer  - to rot, to decompose, to break, to break down 
pudrirse  - to rot, to languish 
descomponerse  - to break down, to decompose