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merriam webster

1 Translation result for satiate in Spanish


satiate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
satiated, has satiated, is satiating, satiates
saciar, hartar

Example sentences of
satiate verb

  • a long drink of water at last satiated my thirst

Synonyms of
satiate verb

Detailed synonyms for satiate verb

Satiate, sate, glut, gorge, stuff significan llenar completamente o en exceso.
  • Satiate y sate pueden a veces indicar solamente una completa satisfacción, pero con mayor frecuencia connotan una sensación de estar lleno que ha destruido todo interés o deseo <nothing satiates teenage boys' appetite for electronic violence> <sleeping as soundly as a sated lion>.
  • Glut indica un exceso en el alimento o en la provisión que sofoca o impide <bookstores glutted with diet books>.
    antonyms: stint
  • Gorge connota el hartarse al punto de reventar o sofocar <gorged himself on chocolate>.
  • Stuff, un termino un poco informal, significa llenar hasta el máximo con comida <stuffed themselves with cake>.

Reverse translation for satiate

saciar  - to sate, to satiate, to satisfy 
hartar  - to glut, to satiate, to tire, to irritate, to annoy