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2 Translation results for scorn in Spanish

noun | verb

scorn noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
desprecio, menosprecio, desdén

Example sentences of
scorn noun

  • They treated his suggestion with scorn.
  • an expression full of scorn
  • Her political rivals have poured scorn on her ideas for improving the tax system.

scorn verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
scorned, has scorned, is scorning, scorns
despreciar, menospreciar, desdeñar

Example sentences of
scorn verb

  • He scorns anyone who earns less money than he does.
  • Her actions were scorned by many people.
  • They were scorned as fanatics.

Synonyms of
scorn verb

Detailed synonyms for scorn verb

See: Despise

Reverse translation for scorn

desprecio  - disdain, contempt, scorn 
menosprecio  - contempt, scorn 
desdén  - disdain, scorn 
despreciar  - to despise, to scorn, to disdain 
menospreciar  - to scorn, to look down on, to underestimate, to undervalue 
desdeñar  - to disdain, to scorn, to despise