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2 Translation results for seconds in Spanish

noun | verb

second noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
segundo, -da (en una serie); ayudante (en deportes); momento

Example sentences of
second noun

  • This will only take a second.

Synonyms of
second noun

second verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
seconded, has seconded, is seconding, seconds
secundar, apoyar (una moción)

Example sentences of
second verb

  • I would like to second the motion to adjourn.
  • “Let's call it a day.” “I'll second that.”
  • "Let's call it a day." "I'll second that."

Reverse translation for seconds

segundo  - second, second (in a series), second (person), second-in-command 
ayudante  (en deportes) - helper, assistant 
momento  - moment, instant, time, period of time, present, moment, momentum 
secundar  - to support, to second 
apoyar  (una moción) - to support, to back, to lean, to rest