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2 Translation results for seeming in Spanish

adjective | verb

seeming adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
aparente, ostensible

Example sentences of
seeming adjective

  • Parents discussed the teacher's seeming lack of interest in the students.
  • I was fooled by the seeming simplicity of the instructions.

Synonyms of
seeming adjective

Detailed synonyms for seeming adjective

See: Apparent

seem verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
seemed, has seemed, is seeming, seems

Example sentences of
seem verb

  • What they're doing doesn't seem right to me.
  • I tried to cheer them up because they seemed depressed.

Synonyms of
seem verb

Detailed synonyms for seem verb

Seem, look, appear, act, behave, sound significan dar la impresión de ser tal y como se describe sin ser necesariamente así en realidad.
  • Seem suele connotar una opinión que se basa en impresiones subjetivas y en una reacción personal <the children seemed well>.
  • Look indica una opinión basada en la impresión visual general <she looks worried>.
  • Appear puede comunicar las mismas indicaciones que look, pero connota a menudo una impresión obviamente distorsionada <her explanation appeared to be true>.
  • Act, behave significan actuar, funcionar o reaccionar en una manera en particular <she acted as if something were wrong> <the cows were behaving oddly>.
  • Sound significa dejar una impresión, especialmente al escuchar <that plan sounds good to me>
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Reverse translation for seeming

aparente  - apparent, showy, striking 
ostensible  - ostensible, apparent 
parecer  - to seem, to look, to appear to be, to think, to have an opinion, to like, to be in agreement