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merriam webster

1 Translation result for set out in Spanish

set out

unfavorite favorite
proponerse; salir (de viaje)

Example sentences of
set out

  • She set out with the goal of going to the Olympics.
  • The president set out his vision for the nation over the next four years.
  • He set out to become a lawyer but ended up teaching history instead.

Synonyms of
set out

set verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
set, has set, is setting, sets
poner; fraguar (dícese del cemento, etc.), cuajar (dícese de la gelatina, etc.); sentar; ponerse (dícese del sol o de la luna); fijar, establecer; poner (un reloj, etc.); hacer

Example sentences of
set verb

  • We need to set some extra chairs around the table.
  • He set the ladder against the wall and walked away.
  • I remember setting my bag right here.
  • They set the bricks along the walkway.
  • The jeweler can set the stone several different ways.
  • He turned off the car and set the parking brake.
  • Rangers will set a trap to catch the bear.
  • We set an extra place at the table for our guest.

Synonyms of
set verb

¿Sabes el significado de set up?
  • Set up significa prepararse para algo poniendo cosas donde tienen que estar. También significa organizar > I’m going to set up a meeting with our boss. Adicionalmente puede significar establecer > He set up a charity on behalf of his family.
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grow up
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Reverse translation for set out

salir  (de viaje)