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3 Translation results for shell in Spanish

noun | verb | pronoun

shell noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
concha; cáscara (de huevos, nueces, etc.), vaina (de chícharos, etc.), caparazón (de crustáceos, tortugas, etc.); cartucho, casquillo

Example sentences of
shell noun

  • Is this the shell of a crab?
  • We collected shells at the beach.
  • We're going to have stuffed shells for dinner.

Synonyms of
shell noun

shell verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shelled, has shelled, is shelling, shells
desvainar (chícharos), pelar (nueces, etc.); bombardear

Example sentences of
shell verb

  • They shelled the enemy troops.
  • The town was shelled during the battle.

Synonyms of
shell verb

she'll pronoun

unfavorite favorite play sound
contracción de "she will"
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Phrasal verbs for shell

Reverse translation for shell

concha  - conch, seashell 
cáscara  (de huevos, nueces, etc.) - skin, peel, rind, husk, shell (of a nut or egg) 
vaina  (de chícharos, etc.) - sheath, scabbard, pod (of a pea or bean), nuisance, bother 
caparazón  (de crustáceos, tortugas, etc.) - shell, carapace 
cartucho  - cartridge 
casquillo  - case, casing (of a bullet) 
desvainar  (chícharos) - to shell 
pelar  (nueces, etc.) - to peel, to shell, to skin, to pluck, to remove hair from, to clean out (of money) 
bombardear  - to bomb, to bombard