Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for siento in English

verbo | verbo

sentir verbo

to feel, to experience; to have feeling, to feel; to perceive, to sense; to regret, to feel sorry for

sentar verbo

to seat, to sit; to suit; to establish, to set; to agree with (of food or drink); to please

Reverse translation for siento

to feel  - sentirse, encontrarse, tocar, palpar, parecer, sentir, creer, considerar, parecerse, opinar, pensar 
to experience  - experimentar (sentimientos), tener (dificultades), sufrir (una pérdida) 
to perceive  - percatarse de, concientizarse de, darse cuenta de, percibir, notar 
to sense  - sentir 
to regret  - arrepentirse de, lamentar 
to seat  - sentar, tener cabida para 
to sit  - sentar, colocar, sentarse, estar sentado, posarse, sesionar, posar (para un retrato), estar (ubicado) 
to suit  - adaptar, convenir a, ser apropiado a, favorecer, quedarle bien (a alguien), agradecer, satisfacer, convenirle bien (a alguien) 
to establish  - establecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, demostrar, probar 
to set  - poner, fraguar (dícese del cemento, etc.), cuajar (dícese de la gelatina, etc.), sentar, ponerse (dícese del sol o de la luna), fijar, establecer, poner (un reloj, etc.), hacer 
to agree with  (of food or drink)
to please  - complacer, agradar, contentar, satisfacer, querer 
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