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1 Translation result for slips in Spanish


slip verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
slipped, has slipped, is slipping, slips
ir sigilosamente; meter, poner; pasar; resbalarse, deslizarse; caer

Example sentences of
slip verb

  • The ring was too big and slipped off my finger.

Synonyms of
slip verb

Detailed synonyms for slip verb

See: Lapse
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Reverse translation for slips

meter  - to put (in), to fit, to squeeze, to place (in a job), to involve, to make, to cause 
poner  - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add, 
pasar  - to pass, to give, to pass, to go by, to come by, to pass (a test), to come in, to enter, to happen, to go over, to cross, to manage, to get by, to spend (time), to tolerate, to be over, to end, to go through, to suffer, to show (a movie, etc.), to overtake, to 
deslizarse  - to slide, to glide, to slip away 
caer  - to fall, to drop, to collapse, to hang (down)