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2 Translation results for smell in Spanish

noun | verb

smell noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
olfato, sentido del olfato; olor

Example sentences of
smell noun

  • I noticed the distinctive smell of onions.
  • Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

Synonyms of
smell noun

Detailed synonyms for smell noun

Smell, scent, odor, aroma significan la cualidad que hace que algo sea perceptible al olfato.
  • Smell indica solamente la percepción, sin connotar la cualidad, el carácter o el origen <the room had an odd smell>.
  • Scent se aplica al olor característico despedido por una sustancia, un animal o una planta, y recalca el origen de la sensación <the dogs had picked up the fox's scent>.
  • Odor puede indicar un olor que es más fuerte o más fácil de distinguir, o bien puede ser equivalente a smell <a cheese with a strong odor>.
  • Aroma connota un olor que es algo penetrante, a veces acre, pero agradable por lo general <the aroma of fresh coffee>.
    antonyms: stink, stench

smell verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
smelled, has smelled, is smelling, smells
oler; olfatear

Example sentences of
smell verb

  • She leaned over and smelled the flowers.
  • I have a cold right now so I can't smell.
  • I can't smell anything because I'm so stuffed up.
  • I could smell dinner cooking.
  • I think I smell gas.
  • This car smells like mold.
  • Can't you smell the profits?

Related phrases for smell

Reverse translation for smell

olfato  - sense of smell, nose, instinct 
olor  - smell, odor 
oler  - to smell, to smell, to pry into, to investigate, to smell out, to uncover 
olfatear  - to sniff, to sense, to sniff out