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2 Translation results for sneak in Spanish

verb | noun

sneak verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sneaked, has sneaked, is sneaking, sneaks
robar; escurrirse, pasar a hurtadillas

Example sentences of
sneak verb

  • They tried to sneak into the movie without paying.
  • She sneaked some cigars through customs.
  • He snuck a few cookies out of the jar while his mother wasn't looking.
  • They caught him trying to sneak food into the theater.
  • Can I sneak a peek at your quiz answers?

Synonyms of
sneak verb

Detailed synonyms for sneak verb

See: Lurk

sneak noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
soplón, -plona

Example sentences of
sneak noun

  • What a rotten sneak! I should have known not to trust her.
  • He ran a sneak up the middle for a touchdown.
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Related phrases for sneak

Reverse translation for sneak

robar  - to steal, to rob, to burglarize, to abduct, to kidnap, to captivate 
escurrirse  - to slip away 
soplón  - tattletale, sneak