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1 Translation result for sophisticated in Spanish


sophisticated adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
complejo; sofisticado

Example sentences of
sophisticated adjective

  • She was a sophisticated and well-traveled woman.
  • a swank and sophisticated restaurant
  • Her knitting technique is more sophisticated than mine.

Synonyms of
sophisticated adjective

Detailed synonyms for sophisticated adjective

Sophisticated, worldly, blasé, cultured, cultivated, urbane, cosmopolitan significan que tiene experiencia con las cosas del mundo.
  • Sophisticated indica, ya sea refinamiento, urbanidad, astucia y cultura <all her guests were rich and sophisticated>, o bien, una afectación en la manera de ser, un refinamiento excesivo y una falta de entusiasmo <too sophisticated to enjoy such simple pleasures>.
    antonyms: unsophisticated
  • Worldly recalca una enajenación de intereses espirituales y una dedicación a la felicidad en este mundo <her worldly air>.
    antonyms: unworldly
  • Blasé indica una falta de receptividad hacia los placeres comunes como resultado de un exceso, real o afectado, de experiencia y de refinamiento <the kind of blasé travelers who had been everywhere>.
  • Cultured, cultivated significan bien educado y refinado <a cultured, well-read gentleman> <a well-dressed couple with a cultivated air>.
  • Urbane connota el tipo de estímulo y porte que proviene de una experiencia social amplia <rarely met such urbane people in rural America>.
  • Cosmopolitan sugiere sofisticación, modales y abarcamiento internacional <a cosmopolitan group that included French, Germans, and Italians>.
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Reverse translation for sophisticated

complejo  - complex 
sofisticado  - sophisticated