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merriam webster

2 Translation results for spawn in Spanish

noun | verb

spawn noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
hueva, freza

Example sentences of
spawn noun

  • Pacific salmon return to Alaskan streams to deposit their spawn.

spawn verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spawned, has spawned, is spawning, spawns
desovar, frezar; generar, producir

Example sentences of
spawn verb

  • The health-food craze spawned a multimillion-dollar industry.
  • the incident that spawned a generation of student protests
  • a TV show that spawned a host of imitations

Synonyms of
spawn verb

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Reverse translation for spawn

hueva  - roe, spawn 
freza  - spawn, roe 
desovar  - to spawn 
frezar  - to spawn 
generar  - to generate 
producir  - to produce, to make, to manufacture, to cause, to bring about, to bear (interest)