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1 Translation result for splendid in Spanish


splendid adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
splendid adjective

  • We have a splendid opportunity to do something really useful.
  • I have some splendid news.
  • “We'll be coming out to visit over the summer.” “Oh, splendid!”
  • "We'll be coming out to visit over the summer." "Oh, splendid!"

Synonyms of
splendid adjective

Detailed synonyms for splendid adjective

Splendid, resplendent, gorgeous, glorious, sublime, superb significan impresionante de manera extraordinaria o trascendente.
  • Splendid indica el eclipsar lo que es usual o de costumbre <the wedding was a splendid occasion>.
    antonyms: unimpressive
  • Resplendent connota un esplendor brillante o ardiente <the church was resplendent in its Easter decorations>.
  • Gorgeous indica un esplendor rico, ostentoso o elaborado, sobre todo en la exhibición de color <a gorgeous red dress>.
  • Glorious connota un resplandor que intensifica la belleza, o un estado que es eminentemente digno de admiración, fama, o distinción <a glorious sunset>.
  • Sublime indica una exaltación o elevación que es casi incomprensible al ser humano <the sublime grandeur of the mountains>.
  • Superb connota una magnificencia, brillantez, esplendor o excelencia del más alto grado concebible <the restaurant's superb cuisine>.
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Reverse translation for splendid

espléndido  - splendid, magnificent, generous, lavish