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2 Translation results for spring in Spanish

noun | verb

spring noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fuente, origen; manantial; primavera; resorte, muelle (de metal, etc.); salto, brinco; elasticidad

Example sentences of
spring noun

  • We'll plant the seeds next spring.
  • We've had a rainy spring.
  • It was a beautiful day in early spring.
  • The first few weeks of spring were unusually warm.
  • The mattress is old and some of the springs are broken.
  • The cushion has lost its spring.

Synonyms of
spring noun

spring verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sprang, has sprung, is springing, springs
saltar; soltar (de repente); accionar (un mecanismo); mover rápidamente

Detailed synonyms for spring verb

Spring, arise, originate, derive, flow, issue, emanate, stem, emerge significan salir o brotar de algo, y así venir a la existencia.
  • Spring indica un surgimiento rápido o súbito <a brilliant idea that had sprung out of nowhere>.
  • Arise puede comunicar el hecho de venir a la existencia o a la atención, a menudo sin connotación alguna en cuanto al estado anterior <doubts about the research soon arose>, o puede indicar la causalidad <mistakes often arise from haste>.
  • Originate indica una fuente o un punto de partida específico <the famous theory that originated with Charles Darwin>.
  • Derive indica una existencia previa en otra forma <their legal system derives from British colonial law>.
  • Flow añade a spring una connotación de abundancia o de facilidad de inicio <the belief that all good flows from God>.
  • Issue connota el surgir de un estado de confinamiento o de un receptáculo <shouts of joy issued from the team's locker room>.
  • Emanate se aplica al paso de algo inmaterial, tal como un principio o un pensamiento, pero con poca connotación de alguna fuerza causal <music emanating from somewhere down the hall>.
  • Stem indica originar, mediante la división o la ramificación, de algo como un brote o un desarrollo subordinado <their defeat stemmed from a long series of errors>.
  • Emerge significa volverse conocido, aparecer o evolucionar <new problems now emerged>.
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Phrasal verbs for spring

Related phrases for spring

Reverse translation for spring

fuente  - spring, fountain, source, platter, serving dish 
origen  - origin, lineage, birth 
manantial  - spring, source 
primavera  - spring (season), primrose 
resorte  - spring, elasticity, influence, means 
muelle  (de metal, etc.) - wharf, dock, spring 
salto  - jump, leap, skip, jump, dive (in sports), gap, omission 
brinco  - jump, leap, skip 
elasticidad  - elasticity 
saltar  - to jump, to jump over, to jump, to leap, to bounce, to skip, to miss, to come off, to pop out, to shatter, to break, to explode, to blow up 
soltar  (de repente) - to let go of, to drop, to release, to set free, to loosen, to slacken 
accionar  (un mecanismo) - to gesticulate, to put into motion, to activate