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1 Translation result for sputters in Spanish


sputter verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sputtered, has sputtered, is sputtering, sputters
farfullar; chisporrotear (dícese de la grasa, etc.), petardear (dícese de un motor)

Example sentences of
sputter verb

  • The motor sputtered and died.
  • He was sputtering with rage.
  • She sputtered an angry protest.
  • “You, you have to be kidding!” he sputtered.
  • "You, you have to be kidding!" he sputtered.

Synonyms of
sputter verb

Reverse translation for sputters

farfullar  - to jabber, to gabble 
chisporrotear  (dícese de la grasa, etc.) - to crackle, to sizzle 
petardear  (dícese de un motor) - to backfire