Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for streams in Spanish

noun | verb

stream noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
arroyo, riachuelo; río; corriente, chorro

Example sentences of
stream noun

  • A stream flows through the field.

Synonyms of
stream noun

stream verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
streamed, has streamed, is streaming, streams
correr, salir a chorros; derramar, dejar correr

Example sentences of
stream verb

  • Tears streamed down his cheeks.
  • I could feel the cold air streaming in through the crack in the window.
  • Sunlight was streaming in through the window.
  • rays of light streaming through the clouds
  • His face streamed with sweat.
  • People streamed into the hall.
  • Immigrants streamed into the country.
  • Hundreds of letters streamed in from listeners.

Synonyms of
stream verb

Detailed synonyms for stream verb

See: Pour

Reverse translation for streams

arroyo  - brook, creek, stream, gutter 
riachuelo  - brook, stream 
río  - river, torrent, stream 
corriente  - current, draft, tendency, trend 
chorro  - flow, stream, jet, heap, ton 
correr  - to run, to race, to travel over, to cover, to move, to slide, to roll, to draw (curtains), to rush, to flow 
derramar  - to spill, to shed (tears, blood) 
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