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3 Translation results for stress in Spanish

noun | verb | sustantivo

stress noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tensión (en un material); énfasis, acento (en lingüística); tensión (nerviosa), estrés
word of the day image
Stress can be bad for your health.

Example sentences of
stress noun

  • She uses meditation as a way of reducing stress.
  • Hormones are released into the body in response to emotional stress.
  • She is dealing with the stresses of working full-time and going to school.
  • He talked about the stresses and strains of owning a business.
  • Carrying a heavy backpack around all day puts a lot of stress on your shoulders and back.
  • To reduce the amount of stress on your back, bend your knees when you lift something heavy.
  • The ship's mast snapped under the stress of high winds.
  • measuring the effects of stresses on the material

Synonyms of
stress noun

Detailed synonyms for stress noun

Stress, strain, pressure, tension significan la acción o el efecto de una fuerza ejercida sobre o dentro de una cosa.
  • Stress y strain son los términos más inclusivos, y se aplican a una fuerza que tiende a deformar un cuerpo <the weight of the snow put stress on the roof> <the bridge collapsed under the tremendous strain of the impact>.
  • Pressure se aplica generalmente a una tensión producida por la acción de poner peso sobre una superficie o de empujar contra ella <normal atmospheric pressure>.
  • Tension se aplica a cualquiera de las dos fuerzas equilibradoras que causan o tienden a causar el alargamiento de un cuerpo elástico, o bien puede aplicarse a la rigidez que resulta en el cuerpo <tested the tension of the ropes>.

stress verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stressed, has stressed, is stressing, stresses
someter a tensión (física); enfatizar, recalcar

Example sentences of
stress verb

  • The union stressed the need for stricter safety standards.
  • The risks involved in the procedure should be stressed.
  • Some people stress the second syllable of “harassment,” while others stress the first.
  • When she said, “We need lots of money,” she stressed the word “lots.”
  • It's not an important decision and it isn't worth stressing over.
  • Some people stress the second syllable of "harassment," while others stress the first.
  • When she said, "We need lots of money," she stressed the word "lots."

Synonyms of
stress verb

stress sustantivo

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Phrasal verbs for stress

Related phrases for stress

Reverse translation for stress

tensión  (en un material) - tension, tautness, stress, strain 
énfasis  - emphasis 
acento  (en lingüística) - accent, stress, emphasis 
tensión  (nerviosa) - tension, tautness, stress, strain 
estrés  - stress 
someter a tensión  (física)
enfatizar  - to emphasize 
recalcar  - to emphasize, to stress