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3 Translation results for subject in Spanish

noun | verb | adjective

subject noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
subdito, -ta (de un gobierno); asignatura, tema; sujeto (en gramática)

Example sentences of
subject noun

  • The new museum is the subject of an article in today's paper.
  • Death is a difficult subject that few people like to talk about.
  • I need to break the news to her, but I'm not sure how to bring up the subject.
  • If you're interested in linguistics, I know an excellent book on the subject.
  • I have an excellent book on the subject of linguistics.
  • These meetings would be much shorter if we could keep him from getting off the subject.
  • The morality of capital punishment is a frequent subject of debate.
  • Chemistry was my favorite subject in high school.
  • The classes cover a variety of subject areas, including mathematics and English.

Synonyms of
subject noun

Detailed synonyms for subject noun

See: Citizen

subject verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
subjected, has subjected, is subjecting, subjects
controlar, dominar; someter

Example sentences of
subject verb

  • Attila the Hun subjected most of Europe to his barbaric pillage.

Synonyms of
subject verb

subject adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
subyugado, sometido; sujeto, propenso

Detailed synonyms for subject adjective

See: Liable
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Reverse translation for subject

subdito  - subject (of a monarch) 
asignatura  - subject, course 
tema  - theme, topic, subject, motif, central theme 
sujeto  (en gramática) - individual, character, subject (in grammar) 
controlar  - to control, to monitor, to check 
dominar  - to dominate, to predominate, to prevail, to master, to be proficient at 
someter  - to subjugate, to conquer, to subordinate, to subject (to treatment or testing), to submit, to present 
sujeto  - secure, fastened 
propenso  - prone, susceptible