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1 Translation result for suffuses in Spanish


suffuse verb

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suffused, has suffused, is suffusing, suffuses
impregnar (de olores, etc.), bañar (de luz), teñir (de colores), llenar (de emociones)

Example sentences of
suffuse verb

  • Morning light suffused the room.
  • she was suffused with an overwhelming feeling of liberation as her horse broke into a gallop

Synonyms of
suffuse verb

Detailed synonyms for suffuse verb

See: Infuse

Reverse translation for suffuses

impregnar  (de olores, etc.) - to impregnate 
bañar  (de luz) - to bathe, to wash, to immerse, to dip, to coat, to cover 
teñir  (de colores) - to dye, to stain 
llenar  (de emociones) - to fill, to fill up, to fill in, to meet, to fulfill 
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