Sullen indica un mal humor, caracterizado por el silencio y una indisposición a ser sociable o cooperativo <their teenage daughter was sullen and silent at dinner>.
Glum connota un desánimo silencioso <the whole team was glum following the defeat>. antonyms: cheerful
Morose añade a glum un elemento de amargura <became morose after the death of his wife>. antonyms: blithe
Sulky connota un resentimiento infantil que se expresa con hosquedad y mal humor <he was always sulky after an argument>.
Dour connota una amargura que es superficialmente severa, obstinada y sombría <a dour old man>.
Gloomy indica una depresión en el temperamento que da una impresión de amargura o severidad <the bad news put everyone in a gloomy mood>. antonyms: cheerful
Sour connota irritabilidad u hosquedad <hadn't expected such a sour response from him>.
Moody sugiere una tendencia a tener estados de ánimos sombríos o deprimentes <she knew better than to ask her moody husband for help in the morning>.
Cranky connota una afectación irritable y una prontitud a la ira <his cranky boss had been yelling at everyone all day>.