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2 Translation results for superficial in Spanish

adjective | adjetivo

superficial adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
superficial adjective

  • This is only a superficial analysis of the results.
  • They had a superficial knowledge of the topic.
  • These superficial changes don't address the underlying problem.
  • The storm only caused superficial damage to the building.

Synonyms of
superficial adjective

Detailed synonyms for superficial adjective

Superficial, shallow, cursory, uncritical, casual, perfunctory significan que carece de profundidad, amplitud o solidez.
  • Superficial indica el tener interés solamente en los aspectos obvios o exteriores, y el evitar temas fundamentales <a superficial discussion of the article>.
    antonyms: exhaustive
  • Shallow es algo más despectivo en su indicación de falta de profundidad en sabiduría, razonamiento, emociones o carácter <she thought he was good-looking but shallow>.
    antonyms: deep
  • Cursory connota una prisa y una indiferencia que pueden causar una falta de esmero o descuido al detalle <a cursory reading of the work>.
    antonyms: painstaking
  • Uncritical indica una superficialidad inapropiada para un crítico o un buen juez <her uncritical attitude>.
    antonyms: critical
  • Casual connota estar hecho sin intención seria <wondered if his visit had been as casual as it seemed>.
  • Perfunctory connota ser superficial, mecánico o que no resulta de interés real <the interview was so perfunctory that she knew she wouldn't be getting the job>.

superficial adjetivo

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