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1 Translation result for swearing in Spanish


swear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
swore, has sworn, is swearing, swears
jurar; decir palabrotas, maldecir
word of the day image
In comic books, swearing is usually represented with exclamation marks, skulls, fists and other similar symbols.

Example sentences of
swear verb

  • He swore revenge on the killers.
  • I swear to God, I'll kill him if he comes back.
  • Don't swear in front of the children.
  • I do solemnly swear to tell the whole truth.

Synonyms of
swear verb

Reverse translation for swearing

jurar  - to curse, to swear, to swear, to take an oath 
maldecir  - to curse, to damn, to curse, to swear