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that's outrageous!
¡Eso es indignante!
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that's pronoun

unfavorite favorite
eso es (contracción de "that is")

outrageous adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
escandaloso, ofensivo, atroz; poco convencional, extravagante; exorbitante, excesivo (dícese de los precios, etc.)

Example sentences of
outrageous adjective

  • They will be punished for their outrageous behavior.
  • This is outrageous! I will not put up with such treatment.
  • She's known for her wild hairdos and outrageous costumes.
  • At first it seemed like an outrageous idea, but then we realized that it wasn't so crazy after all.
  • The article makes some outrageous claims about her personal life.