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1 Translation result for to bathe in Spanish


bathe verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bathed, has bathed, is bathing, bathes
bañar, lavar; bañarse, ducharse; poner en remojo; inundar

Example sentences of
bathe verb

  • the cool waters of the North Atlantic bathe the island's shores
  • bathe your contact lens with the solution before inserting them

Synonyms of
bathe verb

Reverse translation for to bathe

bañar  - to bathe, to wash, to immerse, to dip, to coat, to cover 
lavar  - to wash, to clean, to launder (money) 
bañarse  - to take a bath, to bathe, to go for a swim 
ducharse  - to take a shower 
inundar  - to flood, to inundate