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2 Translation results for to be a burden in Spanish

noun | verb

burden noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
carga, peso

Example sentences of
burden noun

  • She had to bear the burden of caring for her aging parents.

burden verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
burdened, has burdened, is burdening, burdens
cargar, oprimir

Example sentences of
burden verb

  • I don't wish to burden you with my problems.
  • burdened the dog with a little backpack

Reverse translation for to be a burden

carga  - loading, freight, load, cargo, burden, responsibility, charge, attack, charge 
peso  - weight, heaviness, burden, responsibility, weight (in sports), scales, peso 
cargar  - to carry, to load, to load, to fill, to rest (in architecture), to charge 
oprimir  - to oppress, to press, to squeeze 
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