En inglés, make se usa principálmente para crear cosas, no hacerlas.
laughed, has laughed, is laughing, laughs
reír, reírse
Two boys laughing on the grass
Example sentences of
•What are you laughing about?
•The audience was laughing hysterically.
•I've never laughed so hard in my life.
•I couldn't stop laughing when I saw what he was wearing.
•I laughed out loud when I saw him.
More examples
•He laughed so hard I thought he'd die laughing.
•The movie was hilarious. We laughed our heads off.
•“I've never seen anything so ridiculous,” he laughed.
¿Cuales son los usos del verbo frasal laugh at?
Usa laugh at + una persona o cosa. Laugh at puede significar reírse de alguien, o no tomarlo con seriedad > Why are they laughing at me?Laugh at también puede significar estar entretenido por algo > Everyone laughed at his jokes.