Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for to mistake in Spanish


mistake verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
mistook, has mistaken, is mistaking, mistakes
malinterpretar; confundir

Example sentences of
mistake verb

  • the auctioneer mistook my nod for a bid, and I ended up buying a painting I don't even like
  • you seriously mistake me if you think I scare so easily

Synonyms of
mistake verb

Detailed synonyms for mistake verb

Mistake, confuse significan revolver las cosas o tomar una cosa por otra.
  • Mistake indica que uno no ha reconocido una cosa, o que no ha captado su verdadero carácter, y por lo tanto identifica esta cosa con algo que es distinto a ella <he mistook the nature of her interest in him>.
    antonyms: recognize
  • Confuse connota que uno no puede distinguir entre dos cosas que tienen semejanzas o características en común <he had always confused Paraguay with Uruguay>.
    antonyms: differentiate

Reverse translation for to mistake

malinterpretar  - to misinterpret 
confundir  - to confuse, to mix up, to muddle 
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