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1 Translation result for to prompt in Spanish


prompt verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
prompted, has prompted, is prompting, prompts
provocar (una cosa), inducir (a una persona); apuntar (a un actor, etc.)

Example sentences of
prompt verb

  • Curiosity prompted her to ask a few questions.
  • Pride prompted his angry response.
  • The evidence prompted a criminal investigation.
  • “Did you hear me?” he prompted when his friend did not respond to his first question.
  • The actor had to be prompted by someone who was standing offstage.
  • The computer prompted me to type in a number.

Detailed synonyms for prompt verb

See: Incite, Induce

Reverse translation for to prompt

provocar  (una cosa) - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
inducir  (a una persona) - to induce, to cause, to infer, to deduce 
apuntar  (a un actor, etc.) - to aim, to point, to take aim, to become evident, to write down, to jot down, to point to, to point out, to prompt (in the theater) 
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