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1 Translation result for to separate in Spanish


separate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
separated, has separated, is separating, separates
separar; separarse; diferenciar, distinguir

Example sentences of
separate verb

  • They described the process used to separate cream from milk.
  • A great distance separated the sisters from each other.
  • They walked together to the corner, but then they separated and went their separate ways.
  • The main group separated into several smaller groups.
  • Oil and water separate when combined together.
  • The oil separated from the water.
  • The salt crystals separated out of the liquid.

Detailed synonyms for separate verb

Separate, divide, sever, divorce, split, detach, segregate, disconnect significan sufrir o causar una desunión o inconexión.
  • Separate puede indicar cualquiera de varias causas, tales como la dispersión, el apartar uno de los demás en un grupo, o la presencia de una cosa que interviene <careful to separate her personal life from her career>.
    antonyms: combine
  • Divide indica el separar y organizar en piezas, grupos o secciones mediante un corte, rompimiento o ramificación <civil war divided the nation>.
  • Sever indica violencia, particularmente en la acción de quitar una parte o miembro <his hand had been severed by a chain saw>.
  • Divorce indica la separación de dos cosas que suelen actuar mutuamente e ir juntas <his worried friends think he's now completely divorced from reality>.
  • Split significa dividir en partes o porciones, a veces por la fuerza <civil war had split the country in two>.
  • Detach connota el separar de algo más grande, sin violencia ni daño <carefully detached the bottom part of the bill>.
  • Segregate significa separar o apartar de otros <segregated the patients with infectious diseases from the others>.
  • Disconnect significa cortar una conexión <for the sake of safety he disconnected the wire>.
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Reverse translation for to separate

separar  - to separate, to divide, to split up, to pull apart 
separarse  - to break up, to divide, to branch, to divorce 
diferenciar  - to differentiate between, to distinguish 
distinguir  - to distinguish, to honor