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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to tie in Spanish


tie verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tied, has tied, is tying, ties
atar, amarrar; empatar; ligar

Example sentences of
tie verb

  • His kidnappers tied him to a chair.
  • She tied a scarf around her neck.
  • She tied knots in the rope.
  • You need to tie your shoe.
  • His hands and feet had been tied together.
  • She tied the apron loosely around her waist.
  • The team still has a chance to tie.
  • I had the lead but he tied me by making a birdie on the last hole.
  • Her time tied the world record.
  • He tied the school's record in the high jump.

Synonyms of
tie verb

Detailed synonyms for tie verb

Tie, bind, moor, lash significan hacer fijo o seguro.
  • Tie indica el uso de una cuerda, como una soga, una cadena o una tira, para unir una cosa que puede moverse a una cosa que es estable <tying a ribbon around the gift package>.
    antonyms: loose, undo, untie
  • Bind indica el uso de una banda o un lazo para unir dos o más cosas con firmeza <the shared history that binds old friends together>.
    antonyms: loose, unloose, releas
  • Moor connota asegurar algo, generalmente un bote, con un cable o un ancla <moored the small boat to the dock>.
  • Lash connota atar algo con, o como si fuese con, una cuerda <lashed the huge fish to the side of his boat>.

Reverse translation for to tie

atar  - to tie, to tie up, to tie down 
amarrar  - to moor (a boat), to fasten, to tie up, to tie down 
empatar  - to tie, to connect, to result in a draw, to be tied 
ligar  - to bind, to tie (up) 
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