Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for tweak in Spanish

verb | noun

tweak verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tweaked, has tweaked, is tweaking, tweaks
(figurado) retocar ligeramente; pellizcar
word of the day image
Tweaking the controls until the sound is just right

Example sentences of
tweak verb

  • We just wanted to tweak his original idea a bit.
  • He tweaked his ankle playing soccer.
  • My brother hates it when our grandmother tweaks his cheek.

tweak noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
modificación; retoque; pellizco

Example sentences of
tweak noun

  • Our software developer decided that the program needed a few tweaks.

Reverse translation for tweak

retocar ligeramente  (figurado)
pellizcar  - to pinch, to nibble on 
modificación  - alteration 
retoque  - retouching 
pellizco  - pinch