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4 Translation results for up in Spanish

adverb | adjective | verb | preposition

up adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
arriba, en lo alto; hacia arriba; completamente; en pedazos

Example sentences of
up adverb

  • The land rises up from the valley.
  • She stood beneath the window and called up to her friend.
  • Please pick your clothes up off the floor.
  • We watched the sun come up.
  • He held up his hand.
  • We stored the boxes up in the attic.
  • She stuck a notice up on the wall.
  • What's going on up there?
  • He looked up at the stars.
  • The cards were on the table facing up.
  • Keep your head up.

Synonyms of
up adverb

up adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
despierto, levantado; construido; abierto; enterado, al día, al corriente; preparado; terminado, acabado

Example sentences of
up adjective

  • The candy is up on the top shelf.
  • The window is already up.
  • Your package is up at the front desk.
  • We were up near the stage.
  • Are the kids up yet?
  • We are up every morning at six.
  • I was up all night studying for the test.
  • Gas prices are up again.

Synonyms of
up adjective

up verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
upped, has upped, is upping, ups
aumentar, subir

Example sentences of
up verb

  • climbing fuel prices have forced the delivery company to up its prices
  • the road constantly ups and downs as it makes its way over the hills

Synonyms of
up verb

up preposition

unfavorite favorite play sound
a lo largo, por

Example sentences of
up preposition

  • He climbed up the ladder.
  • She had to walk her bike up the hill.
  • The bathroom is up the stairs.
  • Go up the street and turn left.
  • We walked up the street to meet them.
  • They live just up the block from us.
  • I paddled the canoe up the river.
  • The ship sailed up the coast.
  • Her office is all the way up the hall on the right.
  • He paced up and down the hall, waiting for news about his wife's operation.

Synonyms of
up preposition

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Reverse translation for up

arriba  - up, upwards, above, overhead, upstairs 
completamente  - completely, totally 
despierto  - awake, alert, clever, sharp 
abierto  - open, candid, frank, generous 
enterado  - aware, well-informed 
preparado  - ready, prepared, trained 
acabado  - finished, done, completed, old, worn-out 
aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise 
subir  - to bring up, to take up, to go up, to come up, to climb, to go up, to rise, to increase, to raise, to be promoted 
por  - for, during, as for, times, from, according to, as, for, by