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1 Translation result for went in Spanish


go verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
went, has gone, is going, goes
ir; irse, marcharse, salir; desaparecer, pasarse; extenderse, llegar; funcionar, marchar; andar, seguir

Example sentences of
go verb

  • I go to school every morning.
  • She goes to the office every morning and comes home in the evening.
  • I'm tired. Let's go home.
  • She went downstairs to the kitchen.
  • The train goes from New York to Chicago.
  • I went with my family to Rome last year.
  • We're going to Iowa for a week.
  • The car was going too fast.
  • How much farther do we have to go?
  • She went a long way to see him.
  • He went to the window and looked out at the yard.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que la forma en el pasado es went.

Detailed synonyms for go verb

Go, leave, depart, quit, withdraw significan moverse fuera de o lejos del lugar donde se está.
  • Go es el término general y suele usarse simplemente como lo contrario de come <go away for the day>.
    antonyms: come
  • Leave recalca el hecho de separarse de alguien o de algo <leave home to take a new job>.
  • Depart conlleva una indicación de separación que es más fuerte que la de leave, y connota a menudo la formalidad <the plane departs at 5:40>.
    antonyms: arrive, remain
  • Quit puede añadir a leave la noción de liberarse, deshacerse o desenredarse de algo que oprime o pone a prueba a uno <quit a dull job>.
  • Withdraw connota el quitarse deliberadamente por un buen motivo <the visitors withdrew when the doctor arrived>.
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Reverse translation for went

ir  - to go, to lead, to extend, to stretch, to work, to function, to get on, to get along 
irse  - to leave, to go, to leak, to be used up, to be gone 
marcharse  - to leave 
salir  - to go out, to come out, to get out, to set out, to leave, to depart, to appear, to project, to stick out, to cost, to come to, to turn out, to prove, to come up, to occur 
desaparecer  - to disappear, to vanish, to cause to disappear 
pasarse  - to move, to pass, to go away, to slip one's mind, to forget, to go too far 
extenderse  - to spread, to last 
llegar  - to arrive, to come 
funcionar  - to function, to run, to work, (informal, figurative) to do the trick 
marchar  - to go, to travel, to walk, to work, to go, to march 
andar  - to walk, to travel, to walk, to go, to travel, to run, to function, to ride, to be 
seguir  - to follow, to go on, to keep going, to remain, to continue to be, to go along, to keep on