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merriam webster

2 Translation results for wheels in Spanish

noun | verb

wheel noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Various kinds of wheels on display

Example sentences of
wheel noun

  • The car's rear wheels started to spin on the icy road.
  • That noise sounds like the wheels of a train.
  • I have a suitcase with wheels on the bottom.
  • a wheel of cheddar cheese

wheel verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wheeled, has wheeled, is wheeling, wheels
empujar (una bicicleta, etc.), mover (algo sobre ruedas); girar, rotar

Example sentences of
wheel verb

  • Doctors wheeled the patient into the operating room.
  • He wheeled his motorcycle into the garage.
  • Our waiter wheeled out a small dessert cart.
  • She wheeled around in her chair when I entered the room.

Synonyms of
wheel verb

Reverse translation for wheels

rueda  - wheel, round slice, circle, ring 
empujar  (una bicicleta, etc.) - to push, to push, to shove, to spur on, to press 
mover  (algo sobre ruedas) - to move, to shift, to shake, to nod (the head), to power, to drive, to provoke, to cause, to excite, to stir 
girar  - to turn, to twist, to rotate, to turn around, to revolve, to draft (checks), to swing around, to swivel, to transfer (funds) 
rotar  - to rotate, to turn, to turn, to spin 
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