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2 Translation results for willing in Spanish

adjective | verb

willing adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
listo, dispuesto; servicial, complaciente

Example sentences of
willing adjective

  • I'm perfectly willing to try.
  • He was a willing participant in the crime.
  • She's lending a willing hand.

Detailed synonyms for willing adjective

See: Voluntary

will verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
willed, has willed, is willing, wills
disponer, decretar; lograr a fuerza de voluntad; legar

Synonyms of
will verb

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Reverse translation for willing

listo  - ready, clever, smart 
dispuesto  - ready, prepared, disposed, amenable 
servicial  - obliging, helpful 
complaciente  - obliging, eager to please 
disponer  - to arrange, to lay out, to stipulate, to order, to prepare 
decretar  - to decree, to order 
legar  - to bequeath, to hand down, to delegate