Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for yes in Spanish

noun | adverb

yes noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
yes noun

  • We need a yes to go ahead with the project.
  • She answered all the questions with yeses and nos.

yes adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
yes adverb

  • Yes, I'll be ready for the test tomorrow.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Hay muchas maneras de decir ″sí″ en inglés:
    Yeah es usada en conversaciones informales > - Are you coming with us? - Yeah, I'm coming..
    Yep o yup son usadas en situaciones informales, entre amigos o en broma. - It's cold out, isn't it? - Yup, it sure is.
    Sure es una manera común de mostrar que uno está de acuerdo. - Do you want to go out for coffee? -Sure.
    Definitely se usa para responder de manera entusiasta. - Are you going to look for a new job? -Definitely!
    Absolutely es similar a definitely y se ha vuelto un substituto para yes. - Would you like to see a movie tonight? - Absolutely!
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Reverse translation for yes

 - yes 
 - yes