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4 Resultados de traducción para last en español

adjective | verb | adverb | noun

last adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
último, final; pasado

Ejemplos de uso de
last adjective

  • He was the last one out of the building.
  • She succeeded on her last attempt.
  • These are the last two books in the series.
  • We are going to the beach for the last week of the summer.
  • the last cookie in the jar
  • She said she wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.
  • He was tragically killed during the last days of the war.
  • I haven't seen her recently. The last time we met was at a party.

Sinónimos detallados para last adjective

1. Last, final, terminal, eventual, ultimate, closing, concluding significan que sigue a todos los demás en tiempo, orden o importancia.
  • Last se aplica a algo que viene al final de una serie, pero sin indicar necesariamente que la serie esté completa o terminada <the last news we heard>.
    antonyms: first
  • Final se aplica a todo aquello que, en forma definitiva, cierra una serie, un proceso o un progreso <the final day of school>.
    antonyms: initial
  • Terminal puede indicar el límite de una extensión, un crecimiento o un desarrollo <the terminal phase of cancer>.
    antonyms: initial
  • Eventual se aplica a algo que tiene que seguir tarde o temprano como el efecto final de causas que están ya en operación, e indica el cierre definitivo de una secuencia de eventos preliminares <the eventual defeat of the enemy>.
  • Ultimate indica el grado o la etapa final de un largo proceso, o una etapa más allá de la cual es imposible progresar o cambiar <the ultimate collapse of the government>.
  • Closing, concluding sugieren formar la última parte de algo <both lawyers delivered their closing arguments> <a concluding remark>.
2. Ver: Dishonest

last verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
lasted, has lasted, is lasting, lasts
durar; aguantar; sobrevivir; bastar

Ejemplos de uso de
last verb

  • How long does the movie last?
  • The car should last 10 years.

Sinónimos de
last verb

Sinónimos detallados para last verb

Ver: Continue

last adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
en ultimo lugar, al ultimo; por ultima vez, la ultima vez; por ultimo, en conclusión

Ejemplos de uso de
last adverb

  • He spoke last at the meeting.
  • My horse was last in the race.
  • She was first to arrive at the party and last to leave.
  • I last saw him in the supermarket.
  • They last went to the beach in June.
  • This word was last used in the 17th century.

Sinónimos de
last adverb

last noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
el ultimo, la ultima, lo ultimo; horma (de zapatero)
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Verbos frasales para last

Frases relacionadas para last

Traducción inversa para last

último  - last, final, last, latest, most recent, finally 
final  - final, ultimate 
pasado  - past, stale, bad, overripe, old-fashioned, out-of-date, overripe, slightly spoiled 
durar  - to last, to endure 
aguantar  - to hold out, to last, to bear with, to tolerate, to withstand, to hold 
sobrevivir  - to outlive, to outlast, to survive 
bastar  - to be enough, to suffice 
horma  (de zapatero) - shoe tree, shoemaker's last