Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para mournful en español


mournful adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
lloroso, plañidero, triste; deprimente, entristecedor

Ejemplos de uso de
mournful adjective

  • she had such a mournful expression that someone teasingly asked if her dog had died
  • the mournful survivors of the disaster were faced with the grim task of burying the dead

Sinónimos de
mournful adjective

Traducción inversa para mournful

lloroso  - tearful, sad 
plañidero  - mournful 
triste  - sad, gloomy, desolate, dismal, sorry, sorry-looking, downcast 
deprimente  - depressing 
entristecedor  - saddening 
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