Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para part with en español

part with

unfavorite favorite
deshacerse de

part noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
parte, sección; pieza (de una máquina, etc.); papel; raya (del pelo)

Ejemplos de uso de
part noun

  • The entire book is good, but the best part is the ending.
  • I don't remember him saying that. I must have missed that part.
  • The mechanic had to order the part from the manufacturer.
  • The parts of a radio include the speaker, dials, and antenna.
  • Do you have any spare parts for this model of car?
  • the moving parts of the machine
  • parts of the human body
  • My favorite part of the chicken is the drumstick.
  • a diagram labeling the different parts of the flower
  • Come join us and be part of a winning team.
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