Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para run out en español

| verb

run out

unfavorite favorite
ran out, has ran out, is running out, runs out

Ejemplos de uso de
run out

  • The gasoline ran out before we got to Denver.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Hay tres usos idiomáticos comunes de run out:
    Time is running out. (No queda mucho tiempo)
    I am running out of gas o I am running out of steam. (Me estoy cansando)
    The team is running out the clock. (El equipo está gastando el tiempo del juego a propósito para prevenir que el otro equipo consiga puntos)

run out of verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ran out of, has ran out of, is running out of, runs out of
quedarse sin, agotar (algo)

run verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ran, has run, is running, runs
correr; circular; pasar; llevar en coche; funcionar, ir; hacer funcionar (un motor, etc.); durar; echar; desteñir, despintar (dícese de los colores); dirigir, llevar (un negocio, etc.); extenderse; tender (un cable, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
run verb

  • How fast can you run?
  • He runs faster than anyone else on the team.
  • She ran up the stairs to get her jacket.
  • We ran for the train—but missed it.
  • I heard her scream and ran to help.
  • She ran to me for help.
  • The dog ran away from me.
  • The dog ran toward me.
  • When I called the dog, he came running.
  • Don't expect me to come running every time you want something. I'm not your servant.
  • We ran for the train-but missed it.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que la forma en el pasado es ran.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Si tu haces un run for una posición, significa que te presentas como candidato para esa posición. Por ejemplo: She ran for president twice and failed, but she is considering running again in the next election.
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Traducción inversa para run out

agotar  (se)
agotar  (algo) - to exhaust, to use up, to weary, to wear out, to sell out, to run out