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2 Resultados de traducción para sparing en español

adjective | verb

sparing adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
parco, económico

Ejemplos de uso de
sparing adjective

  • a sparing couple who are trying to save up enough for a house
  • a government agency that has always been sparing of public information

Sinónimos de
sparing adjective

Sinónimos detallados para sparing adjective

Sparing, frugal, thrifty, economical significan cuidadoso en el uso del dinero o recursos.
  • Sparing recalca la abstención y la reserva <Mother was sparing in the use of butter>.
    antonyms: lavish
  • Frugal indica sencillez y templanza y connota la ausencia de lujo y ostentación <an old couple with frugal habits>.
    antonyms: wasteful
  • Thrifty connota la buena administración y la diligencia junto con la frugalidad <generations of thrifty farmers>.
    antonyms: wasteful, spendthrift
  • Economical recalca la administración prudente, la ausencia de derroche o despilfarro y el uso eficiente de recursos <railroads are an economical means of freight transport>.
    antonyms: extravagant

spare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spared, has spared, is sparing, spares
perdonar; ahorrar, evitar; prescindir de; escatimar; de sobra

Ejemplos de uso de
spare verb

  • No one knows why the gunman shot some people and spared others.
  • Somehow the storm spared our house while nearby buildings were destroyed.
  • She was spared from having to answer any more questions.
  • He wanted to spare his family from the stress he had endured.
  • I could have spared myself the trouble.
  • He spared them the embarrassment of a public apology.
  • If you could spare a cup of sugar, it would save me a trip to the store.

Sinónimos de
spare verb

¿Sabías esto?
  • Si tienes dinero, tiempo, energía, etc., to spare, significa que tienes más que suficiente dinero, tiempo, energía, etc.

Traducción inversa para sparing

parco  - sparing, frugal, moderate, temperate 
económico  - economic, economical 
perdonar  - to forgive, to pardon, to exempt, to excuse 
ahorrar  - to save (money), to save up, to spare, to conserve 
evitar  - to avoid, (informal) to steer clear of, to prevent, to escape, to elude 
escatimar  - to skimp on, to be sparing with 
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