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merriam webster
to curl one's hair
para rizar el cabello
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Búsqueda palabra por palabra

curl verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
curled, has curled, is curling, curls
rizar, ondular (el pelo); rizarse, ondularse; enrollar; torcer

Ejemplos de uso de
curl verb

  • She curls her hair every morning.
  • Can you curl your tongue?
  • The baby's fingers were tightly curled.
  • The snake curled itself around its prey.
  • The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.
  • We saw smoke curling from the cottage chimney.
  • A snake curled around his leg.

Sinónimos de
curl verb

one adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
un, una; mismo, misma; alguno, alguna; un

Ejemplos de uso de
one adjective

  • There is one minute left in the game.
  • I have a few one-dollar bills in my purse.
  • She is one year old.

Sinónimos de
one adjective

hair noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pelo, cabello; vello (en las piernas, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
hair noun

  • She has long dark hair.
  • There are dog hairs all over my coat.
  • The hair on her arms is blond.
  • He has a lot of hair on his chest.
  • He got his hair cut last week.
  • He has a thick head of hair.
  • a balding man who is losing his hair
  • He won the race by a hair.
  • He was a hair off on the count.
  • He plucked a hair from his arm.
¿La palabra hair es singular o plural?
  • Hair es singular, y se puede usar como sustantivo contable e incontable. Ejemplo, como sustantivo incontable: She has long hair. Otro ejemplo: He had much more hair when he was younger.
    Ejemplo, como sustantivo contable: I found a hair in my soup.
    La forma plural de hairs se usa cuando se habla de un número específico. Ejemplo: I found four hairs on my pillow.