Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to discipline en español


discipline verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
disciplined, has disciplined, is disciplining, disciplines
castigar, sancionar (a los empleados); disciplinar

Ejemplos de uso de
discipline verb

  • She was disciplined for misbehaving in class.
  • He seems unwilling or unable to discipline his children.
  • I'm trying to discipline myself to eat less.

Sinónimos de
discipline verb

Sinónimos detallados para discipline verb

Ver: Punish

Traducción inversa para to discipline

castigar  - to punish 
sancionar  (a los empleados) - to penalize, to impose a sanction on, to sanction, to approve 
disciplinar  - to discipline 
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