Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to educate en español


educate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
educated, has educated, is educating, educates
educar, enseñar; formar, instruir; informar, concientizar

Ejemplos de uso de
educate verb

  • Parents trust schools to educate their children.
  • The job of our public schools is to educate.

Sinónimos detallados para educate verb

Ver: Teach

Traducción inversa para to educate

educar  - to educate, to bring up, to raise, to train 
enseñar  - to teach, to show, to display 
formar  - to form, to make, to constitute, to make up, to train, to educate 
instruir  - to instruct, to train, to educate, to teach 
informar  - to report, to inform 
concientizar  - to make aware 
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